
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Reasons You'll Need to Hire a Pest Control Company

Every home has a pest problem that homeowners are itching to get rid of. Regardless of how hard you try to prevent pests from invading your home, their invading nature gets the better of them and even the most spotless of homes can get a case of the bedbugs or two.

Often when the weather gets colder, that's the time when pests start to invade the home because they are in search of somewhere warm to tide out the cold. Or while you may have been thorough in your cleaning, you may have overlooked some cracks or holes in your walls or uncovered vents in the kitchen, particularly in the cupboards and under the sink. You may have also overlooked that leaking faucet in the bathroom and if there's one other thing that pests love most, it is moisture.

Outside your home, that dead tree stump you keep because it gives your backyard a more rustic look could be the source of the termites you suspect may have already settled down and made a home in your home. Remember the wood shavings from that garden shed you were building last year? Have you actually thrown them out or just shoved them under the porch steps somehow?

Whether you've just been invaded by mice, rodents, termites, roaches or bed bugs, pesticides, baits and traps are not always the solution. While pesticides done on a quarterly or annual basis are usually done as preventive measures, effective pest control always starts with a thorough inspection of the house inside and out, by trained pest control technicians who will be able to identify or diagnose your pest problem, determine what treatments to use to address the problem and they will also be able to determine the frequency of your treatments to make sure they don't come back.

Also, the more you use pesticides, the more pests develop a resistance to the poison. Unless the target population is completely exterminated or rendered incapable of reproduction, your pest problem will be a recurring problem happening sooner or later than you'd like. Which is why for all your intentions to save money and just contain the problem yourself, you will need to consider hiring professional pest control services.

Most homeowners think that they won't be able to save money with pest control companies because they charge high rates. However, most pest control companies offer specialized plans that can be customized to suit your budget and your needs. These plans take into consideration the size of your home, the severity of your infestation and the long-term solution that fits your problem. While you may have to pay a substantial fee up front, just think of how bigger your expenses will be from constantly repairing your homes because of damages wreaked by termites or carpenter ants for example.

Another reason for considering pest control services is the fact that they now employ environment-friendly methods to get rid of pests safely. They use only EPA-regulated and approved treatments and employ technicians who are trained specifically in the use and handling of these treatments. While there are commercial pesticides available in the market that you can use, you may be exposing yourself to unnecessary health risks especially if you don't take the time to read the labels carefully.

Pest control companies are also trained in addressing pest problems specifically. For example, mice will scatter when their nest is disturbed and bees can swarm when you take a stab at their hives. Pest control technicians will come properly equipped to handle the problem and will know what to do in unexpected situations. You wouldn't want to end up in the hospital, barely recognizable and covered in painful bee stings, do you?

Even if you are building your new home, you can also avail of plans for pre-treatments which include perimeter treatments to prevent a bug infestation or emergency treatments to get rid of hives and nests. But the best part about hiring professional pest control companies is that they can do regular monitoring of your problems and come back to do re-treatments if necessary and if the treatments they employed the first time don't work, they will come back and do another round of different treatments for free.


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